How Many Apprentices Can a Journeyman Electrician Have in Massachusetts?

Becoming an electrician in Massachusetts is a lengthy process, with the most stringent regulations and licensing requirements of any office in the state. The Massachusetts Electrical Safety Board has strict requirements for obtaining and maintaining an electrical license, as electrical work can be dangerous if not done correctly. In order to become a certified professional electrician (CPE), independent electrical contractors must complete an advanced course of study and pass the master electrician exam. Additionally, certification through the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) is also required.

There are dozens of other electrician certifications available. Once a master electrician has worked as an officer for several years, they are eligible to become a journeyman electrician. A journeyman electrician is responsible for supervising apprentices and ensuring that all electrical work and network cabling is done safely and correctly. According to the Massachusetts Electrical Safety Board, a journeyman electrician can only have one apprentice at a time. It is important for journeyman electricians to understand the regulations and requirements for having an apprentice in Massachusetts. This ensures that all electrical work is done safely and correctly, and that apprentices are properly supervised.

It is also important for journeyman electricians to stay up-to-date on the latest safety regulations and best practices.

Elmer Purtle
Elmer Purtle

Passionate tvaholic. Infuriatingly humble pop culture evangelist. Proud web aficionado. Freelance web enthusiast. Total pop culture aficionado. Award-winning pop cultureaholic.

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